Local Christmas Fun

Local Christmas Fun Kara Hyden The Christmas season is quickly approaching, and families will be looking for fun things to do; places to see lights, Santa, and family-friendly events. We’ve curated a list of exciting and unique opportunities for all things Christmas in the Lubbock area. Carol of Lights at Texas Tech University Saturday, December […]


Thanksgiving Harper Johnson Thanksgiving is a time for families and friends to come together, express gratitude, and enjoy a festive meal. Here are some common Thanksgiving traditions that people often partake in: Feast: The centerpiece of Thanksgiving is a large, hearty meal that typically includes a roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, vegetables, […]

Re-imagine those Snow Days

Children are studying science. Use the magnifying glass in the laboratory

Re-imagine those Snow Days Coco Dietz Having your kids home for a snow day can seem like a migraine waiting to happen but with these fun indoor activities the snow will turn into a family-wide party that will get everyone excited and involved!  Indoor Snowball Fight Now before you think about your great grandmother’s lamp […]