Way to make Winter more fun
When most people think of winter activities, images of snowball fights, building a snowman sledding, or skiing will probably flash through your head. But if you are in a part of the country that does not see a great deal of snow, and instead, see more ice, that might be where the ideas come to a close. With these fun activities to try, you will be having a blast no matter the amount of snow on the ground this winter!

Host a indoor board game tournament
Invite all of your friends over to play games and get everyone together to play a tournament. Make a tournament board to see who will compete with who and get everyone excited to play and spend time together. You might consider having a prize for the winner of the tournament to add extra incentive and build that competition between your friends. Winter does not have to stop all games.
Playing with the West Texas Ice
Since ice is the main precipitation that we get this time of year, we might as well lean into the greatest winter strength this part of the state has to offer and have some fun with it! Get a medium size bowl and pour some water in it, add some food coloring of your choice and then, using a funnel, pour the water mixture into a balloon. After tying it off, set it outside and wait for it to freeze. Once completely frozen solid, cut off the balloon and you now have an ice orb for outside decoration while the air is still freezing!